369 PalmPilot Desktop could not paste all records from the clipboard because the maximum number of records has been reached. You should delete or archive some records, HotSync, and then add new records.
370 Could not access clipboard data.
372 Please select a profile name.
373 Add User Error
374 Could not add user '%1'. '%1' is an illegal user name, or the user directory could not be created.
377 ATS0=1M1L0+H0
378 ConfirmDelete
380 Profiles
381 Users
382 &Profiles...
383 &Users...
384 Could not add profile '%1'. '%1' is an illegal profile name, or the profile directory could not be created.
385 Add Profile Error
386 Cannot create more than 255 profiles.
387 Updating To Do...\n\n%1 Record(s) Imported.\n\nNote: Not all imported records may be displayed on the current view.
388 Updating Date Book...\n\n%1 Record(s) Imported.\n\nNote: Not all imported records may be displayed on the current view.